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Department of Spatial Development and Urban Studies

Dulak M. i Salamon J. (2023) Model podmiotowego rozwoju miast : analiza politologiczno-prawna, Politeja, 20(5), s. 383-410;
Hołuj A. (2023) Japanese Cities in the Face of Depopulation, in S. Mazur (ed.), Governance and Leadership in Shrinking Cities : Strategies for Managing Urban Decline. Abingdon, Oxon. ; New York : Routledge, pp. 85-101. 
Hołuj D. (2023) Heritage spaces as a subject of interest for public benefit organizations, Prace i Studia Geograficzne, 68(1), pp. 43-63;
Kochel L. (2023) Planning the Berlin landscape, Warszawa : Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar, 163 p.
Kudełko J., Majorek-Gdula A., Musiał-Malago’ M., Rynio D. i Twardzik M. (2023) Trends in the primary real estate market in the light of changes in the structure of urban land use (example of the Upper Silesian-Zagłębie Metropolis, with particular emphasis on Katowice), Studia Śląskie, 93, pp. 141-161.
Lityński P. (2023) Living in Sprawling Areas : a Cost-benefit Analysis in Poland, Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 38(2), pp. 1069-1096;
Martyka A. and Jopek D. (2023) The potential of the medieval spatial layout in the development of a degraded city: the example of Dębowiec, Jaśliska and Osiek Jasielski, Środowisko Mieszkaniowe, 44, pp. 35-57;
Migdał K., Jóźwiakowski K., Czekała W., Śliz P., Tavares J. and Almeida A. (2023) Application of the Monte-Carlo Method to Assess the Operational Reliability of a Household-Constructed Wetland with Vertical Flow : a Case Study in Poland, Water, 15(20), pp. 1-18;
Miodunka P. (2023) Famines in the Manorial Economy of Eighteenth-Century Poland, Rural History, 34 (2), pp. 181-200;
Musiał-Malago’ M. and Grzebyk M. (2023) Activities of a Municipality in the Field of Local Entrepreneurship Development : a Case Study  of the Rzeszów Functional Urban Area, Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS), 30(4), part 1, pp. 167-181;
Musiał-Malago’ M. and Serafin P. (2023) American Cities in the Face of Depopulation, in S. Mazur (ed.), Governance and Leadership in Shrinking Cities : Strategies for Managing Urban Decline. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York : Routledge, pp. 138-168. 
Noworól A., Hałat P. and Salamon J. (2023) Dutch Cities in the Face of Depopulation, in S. Mazur (ed.), Governance and Leadership in Shrinking Cities : Strategies for Managing Urban Decline. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York : Routledge, pp. 102-116. 
Petryk A. (2023) Case Study on the Use of Sewage Sludge for the Reclamation of Mining Sites Contaminated with Heavy Metals, Journal of Ecological Engineering, 24(9), pp. 171-182;,169160,0,2.html
Petryk A. and Adamik P. (2023) The Guarantees of Origin as a Market-based Energy Transition Mechanism in Poland, Journal of Water and Land Development, 58, pp. 11-16;
Purchla J. (2023) Kraków : The “Heritage City” Model, in G. Sonkoly (ed.), Urban Heritage in Europe Economic and Social Revival. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York : Routledge, pp. 26-47. 
Szczerek E., Gyurkovich J., Wiśniewski M. and Sotoca A. (2023) Searching for New Spatio-Functional Housing Estate Solutions of Witold Cęckiewicz’s Designs and Projects, Środowisko Mieszkaniowe, 45, pp. 83-91;
Zachariasz A., Jopek D. and Kochel L. (2023) Heritage and Environment : Greenery as a Climate Change Mitigation Factor in Selected UNESCO Sites in Krakow, Sustainability, 15(15), pp. 1-40;
Zawilińska B., Nestorová Dická J., Matei E., Švajda J., Łapczyński M., Majewski K., Megyeri B., Călin A. and Gessert A. (2023) Applying Q-methodology to Investigate the Perception of the Social and Economic Role of the National Park by Local Stakeholders : Cases of National Parks in the Carpathians, Journal for Nature Conservation, 75, pp. 1-16.
Zawilińska B., Nestorová Dická J., Matei E., Švajda J., Łapczyński M., Majewski K., Megyeri B., Călin A. and Gessert A. (2023) Applying Q-methodology to Investigate the Perception of the Social and Economic Role of the National Park by Local Stakeholders : Cases of National Parks in the Carpathians, Journal for Nature Conservation, 75, pp. 1-16.
Zdun M. and Majewski K. (2023) German Cities in the Face of Depopulation, in S. Mazur (ed.), Governance and Leadership in Shrinking Cities : Strategies for Managing Urban Decline. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York : Routledge, pp. 117-137. 
Broński K., (2022), Kraków in the Face of the Transformation : the Economic Life of the City, in J. Purchla (ed.), Urban Change in Central Europe : the Case of Kraków. London ; New York : Routledge, pp. 48-68.
Hołuj D. (2022) Civil Society : from “Solidarity” to Urban Activism, in J. Purchla (ed.), Urban Change in Central Europe : the Case of Kraków. London ; New York : Routledge, pp. 17-31. 
Hołuj D. (2022) Municipal Self-government 1990-2019, in J. Purchla (ed.), Urban Change in Central Europe : the Case of Kraków. London ; New York : Routledge, pp. 32-47. 
Ilba M. (2022) Solar energy: insolation and practical efficiency of photovoltaic microinstallations in Polish. Warszawa : CeDeWu.
Kudełko J. and Musiał-Malago’ M. (2022) The Diversity of Demographic Potential and Socioeconomic Development of Urban Functional Areas – Evidence from Poland, Cities, 123, pp. 1-14;
Lityński P. (2022) The financial mechanisms of urban sprawl: the perspective of households and enterprises. Warszawa : Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar.
Martyka A., Jopek D. and Skrzypczak I. (2022) Analysis of the Sustainable Development Index in the Communes of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship : a Polish Case Study. Sustainability, 14(16), pp. 1-23;
Migdał K., Operacz A., Vaskina I., Śliz P., Tavares J., Almeida A. and Migdał M. (2022) Assessment of the Reliability of the Operation of a Sewage Treatment Plant Using Monte Carlo Simulation, Journal of Water and Land Development, Special issue, pp. 80-90;
Murzyn-Kupisz M. and Hołuj D. (2022), Preliminary diagnosis of activities related to fabrics, clothing and fashion accessories undertaken by Polish museum institutions, Muzealnictwo, 63, pp. 173-184;
Murzyn-Kupisz M., Hołuj D. and Działek J. (2022) Socio-economic impact of cultural heritage: state of research and research perspectives and needs in the Polish context. Warszawa : Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa ; Kraków : Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie.
Noworól A., Kopyciński P., Hałat P., Salamon J. and Hołuj A., (2022), The 15-Minute City – the Geographical Proximity of Services in Krakow, Sustainability, 14(12), pp. 1-34;
Purchla J. (2022) Heritage and Cultural Mega-events : Backgrounds, Approaches and Challenges, European Planning Studies, 30(3), pp. 566-572.
Purchla J. (2022) Kraków 1989 and since, in J. Purchla (ed.) Urban Change in Central Europe : the Case of Kraków. London ; New York : Routledge, pp. 5-16. 
Purchla J. (2022) Kraków’s Metropolitan Functions, in J. Purchla (ed.), Urban Change in Central Europe : the Case of Kraków. London ; New York : Routledge, pp. 204-215. 
Purchla J. (ed.), (2022) Urban Change in Central Europe: the Case of Kraków. London ; New York : Routledge.
Sanetra-Szeliga J. (2022) Culture and Heritage as a Means to Foster Quality of Life? The Case of Wrocław European Capital of Culture 2016, European Planning Studies, 30(3), pp. 514-533.
Śliz P. and Bugajski P. (2022) Assessment of the Stability and Reliability of the Water Treatment Plant in Nowy Sącz Using Control Cards, Journal of Water and Land Development, 52, pp. 251-256;
Wiśniewski M. (2022) Kraków Architecture and Globalisation, w J. Purchla (ed.), Urban Change in Central Europe : the Case of Kraków. London ; New York : Routledge, pp. 132-155. 
Hołuj A. (2021) Externalities in the Light of Selected Spatial Economy Issues – Contribution to the Discussion, European Research Studies Journal, 24(1), pp. 3-21;
Hołuj A., Ilba M., Lityński P., Majewski K., Semczuk M. and Serafin P. (2021) Photovoltaic Solar Energy from Urban Sprawl : Potential for Poland, Energies, 14(24), pp. 1-25;
Ilba M. (2021) Parallel Algorithm for Improving the Performance of Spatial Queries in SQL : the Use Cases of SQLite/SpatiaLite and PostgreSQL/PostGIS Databases, Computers & Geosciences, 155, pp. 1-10.
Jopek D. and Musiał-Malago’ M. (2021) Shrinking cities as a process of urban transformation in the light of selected aspects, Teka Komisji Urbanistyki i Architektury, 49, pp. 115-135;
Kochel L. and Zieliński M. (2021) Green areas and recreational potential on the example of Krakow, Teka Komisji Urbanistyki i Architektury, 49, pp. 47-78;
Kudełko J. and Musiał-Malago’ M. (2021) Functional areas of voivodship centres in Poland – dynamics and diversification of development. Kraków : Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie.
Laskowski A. (2021) Zakrzówek and the Nazi vision of the transformation of right-bank Krakow, Wiadomości Konserwatorskie, 65, pp. 37-53;
Lityński P. (2021) Microeconomic Consequences of Urban Sprawl : a Quasi-Experimental Research on Household Budgets in Poland, European Research Studies Journal, 24, spec. iss. 1, pp. 248-268;
Malinowski M., Guzdek S., Petryk A. and Tomaszek K. (2021) A GIS and AHP-based Approach to Determine Potential Locations of Municipal Solid Waste Collection Points in Rural Areas, Journal of Water and Land Development, 51, pp. 94-101;
Miodunka P. (2021) The community of small towns of southern Małopolska from the end of the sixteenth to the end of the eighteenth century. Kraków : Towarzystwo Autorów i Wydawców Prac Naukowych Universitas.
Noworól A., Kopyciński P., Hałat P., Salamon J., Baziak J., Sypek W. and Wirchniańska M. (2021) Can Krakow become a 15-minute city? Kraków : Wydawnictwo Małopolskiej Szkoły Administracji Publicznej Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie
Quirini-Popławski Ł. and Semczuk M. (2021) The use of GIS mobile applications in cultural heritage management: a proposal for research procedures, Perspektywy Kultury, 35(4), pp. 199-222;
Śleszyński P., Nowak M., Legutko-Kobus P., Hołuj A., Lityński P., Jadach-Sepioło A. and Blaszke M. (2021) Suburbanization in Poland as a challenge for development policy. Warszawa : Polska Akademia Nauk.
Wojnarowska M., Ilba M., Szakiel J., Turek P. and Sołtysik M. (2021) Identifying the Location of Odour Nuisance Emitters Using Spatial GIS Analyses, Chemosphere, 263, pp. 1-12.
Zachariasz A., Kochel L. and Jopek D. (2021) Structure of Areas of Greenery within Cracow’s City Blocks : Historical Transitions and Contemporary Development in the Context of Adaptation to Climate Change, Wiadomości Konserwatorskie, 68S, pp. 137-148;
Zawilińska B., Brańka P., Majewski K. and Semczuk M. (2021) National Parks – Areas of Economic Development or Stagnation? Evidence from Poland, Sustainability, 13(20), pp. 1-25;
Zdun M. (2021) Homo Regionalis : the region as a place of human life and activity, Ethos : kwartalnik Instytutu Jana Pawła II KUL, 4(136), pp. 321-345.
Broński K. (2020) The Policy of National and State Authorities in the Scope of Counteracting Vagrancy in Galicia in the Period of Autonomy – an Outline of Issues, Galicja. Studia i materiały, 6, pp. 11-32;
Broński K. (2020) Mutual Insurance Company of Private Officials in Lviv as a subject of social economy (outline of the problem), UR Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(14), pp. 45-65;
Guzdek S., Malinowski M., Petryk A., Religa A. and Liszka D. (2020) Economic and Ecological Assessment of Transport of Various Types of Waste, Journal of Ecological Engineering, 21(5), pp. 19-26;,122120,0,2.html
Hołuj A., Luchter B., Semczuk M. and Serafin P. (2020) Land-use changes and their economic and non-economic effects in peri-urban areas against the background of demographic change. Kraków : Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie.
Jęczeń J., Guzdek P. i Petryk A. (red.), (2020) Personalism in Science and Culture: Studies and Dissertations. Lublin : Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II w Lublinie.
Laskowski A. (2020) Building the system: protection of sacral monuments in the diocese of Tarnów at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Kraków : Księgarnia Akademicka.
Lityński P. (2020) Urban Sprawl of Poznań : Morphological and Microeconomic Profile, Rozwój Regionalny i Polityka Regionalna, 52, pp. 81-99;
Lityński P. and Hołuj A. (2020) Urban Sprawl Risk Delimitation : the Concept for Spatial Planning Policy in Poland, Sustainability, 12(7), pp. 1-19;
Matyja R. (2020) From Stalinism to Liberal Democracy : a Recent History of Administration in the V4 Countries, in S. Mazur (ed.) Public Administration in Central Europe : Ideas as Causes of Reforms. London, New York : Routledge, pp. 27-42. 
Matyja R. (2020) Modern Orders, Świat i Słowo, 34, pp. 109-126;
Murzyn-Kupisz M. and Hołuj D. (2020) Museums and Coping with Overtourism, Sustainability, 12(5), pp. 1-23;
Noga Z. and Purchla J. (eds.), (2020) Krakow’s heritage in the process of transformation. Kraków : Towarzystwo Miłośników Historii i Zabytków Krakowa.
Noworól A. (2020) Hybridisation of territorial development governance. Warszawa : Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar.
Noworól A. and Jopek D. (eds.), (2020) City and Countryside – Identity and Space in the 21st Century: the Complexity of Mutual Interactions in the Peri-urban Interface. Kraków : Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie.
Purchla J. (2020) The Singularity of Central Europe? in S. Mazur (ed.) Public Administration in Central Europe : Ideas as Causes of Reforms. London, New York : Routledge, pp. 3-26. 
Sanetra-Szeliga J. (2020) Culture: the importance of culture in the development of contemporary cities. Warszawa : Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar.
Zawilińska B. (2020) Attitudes of local communities and tourists towards landscape parks in the Malopolska Region, Prace Geograficzne, 160, pp. 95-116;
Zdun M. (2020) COVID-19 anomy: an attempt to identify the phenomenon, Zeszyty Naukowe KUL, 63(4), pp. 3-20;
Zdun M. (2020) Innovation culture as a challenge for the modern university, Horyzonty Polityki, 11(37), pp. 65-82;
Zdun M. (2020) The Notre Dame effect: pondering the axiological repercussions of the catastrophe, Kultura Współczesna. Teoria, Interpretacje, Praktyka, 2(109), pp. 16-31;
Broński K. (2019) Determinants of the processes of modernization of the Galician economy in the period of autonomy – an outline of the issues, in P. Grata (ed.), On the way to independence: modernization changes in the Polish lands in the second half of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Rzeszów : Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, pp. 93-118. 
Broński K. (2019) Public finances in Galicia during the period of autonomy (1867-1914). Kraków : Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie.
Broński K. (2019) Trade in Krakow and the Kraków district during the German occupation – an outline of the problems, Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie, 1(979), pp. 7-29;
Bugajski P., Śliz P. and Kurek K. (2019) Reliability of Sewage Treatment Process in SBR Reactor with the Use of Statistical Quality Control, in A. Krakowiak-Bal i Vaverková  (eds.), Infrastructure and Environment. Cham : Springer, pp. 3-8. 
Czop M. i Petryk A. (2019) Assessment of physicochemical properties of furnace waste from low-rise buildings, Przemysł Chemiczny, 98(10), pp. 1571-1574;
Fel S., Zdun M. and Wódka M. (2019) Axiological foundations of socio-economic order. Lublin : Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II w Lublinie.
Hołuj D. (2019) Cultural heritage and lifelong learning: selected experiences of European countries, Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie, 2(980), pp. 25-43;
Hołuj D. (2019) The Institution of Community Custodians of Heritage Sites as an Element of Historic Asset Protection System : the Case of Poland, Journal of Settlements and Spatial Planning, 10(2), pp. 143-156;
Jopek D. (2019) Intelligent Urban Space as a Factor in the Development of Smart Cities, Technical Transactions, 9, pp. 5-15;
Koszek R., Świętek A., Semczuk M., Dzięglewski M. and Brunn S. (2019) Language of Parenting : Poland’s Efforts to Promote New Fatherhood Through Outdoor Advertising Campaign, in K. Brunn (ed.), Handbook of the Changing World Language Map. Cham : Springer, pp. 1853-1882. 
Kusek R. and Purchla J. (red.), (2019) Heritage and Society. Krakow : Międzynarodowe Centrum Kultury.
Lityński P. (2019) Budgetary consequences of the spontaneous proliferation of cities for municipal governments, (Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie. Seria Specjalna, Monografie, nr 265). Kraków : Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie.
Murzyn-Kupisz M., Hołuj D., Działek J. and Gorczyca K. (2019) Museums and Local Governments in Poland : Partners in Local Development?, Museum International, 71(3-4), pp. 28-45.
Noworól A. (2019) Management of the Kraków Functional Urban Area, in Poland, using a European Union Instrument : Integrated Territorial Investments, Zarządzanie Publiczne, 2(48), pp. 26-36;
Petryk A., Malinowski M., Dziewulska M. and Guzdek S. (2019) The Impact of the Amount of Fees for the Collection and Management of Municipal Waste on the Percentage of Selectively Collected Waste, Journal of Ecological Engineering, 20(10), pp. 46-53;,112874,0,2.html
Purchla J. (2019) History, Memory, Identity – the Cracow Experience, in R. Czaja, Noga Z., Opll F., Scheutz M. (eds.), Political Functions of Urban Spaces and Town Types Through the Ages : Making Use of the Historic Towns Atlases on Europe. Vienna : Böhlau Verlag; Toruń: Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego w Toruniu, pp. 37-51. 
Purchla J. (ed.), (2019) Main Market Square 25: the history of one address. Kraków : Międzynarodowe Centrum Kultury.
Śliz P., Bugajski P. i Kurek K. (2019) Effect of Selected Factors on the Removal of Organic Matter in a Model of Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor, Archives of Environmental Protection, 45(3), pp. 64-71;
Wiśniewski M. (2019) Experiment, in J. Purchla (ed.) Main Market Square 25: the history of one address. Kraków : Międzynarodowe Centrum Kultury, pp. 180-207. 
Włoch-Szymla A. (2019) Urban Sprawl and Smart Growth versus Quality of Life, Technical Transactions, 12, pp. 85-98;