Ułatwienia dostępu

Instytut Gospodarki Przestrzennej i Studiów Miejskich

Bachelor in Urban Studies

About the program

Today, the city is the dominant environment for people’s lives. It is a complex organism in which economic, administrative, social, political and cultural activities intertwine with each other, creating one complicated, multidimensional structure. Therefore, in order to function efficiently, cities need well-educated staff with interdisciplinary competences and skills. This makes it necessary to educate people who will be able to work in the city and for the city, adopting and integrating different cognitive perspectives. This way of thinking is the concept behind the Urban Studies programs offered at European and American universities. The KUE program in Urban Studies follows those Western premises.

Employment opportunities

Graduates of Bachelor in Urban Studies can find employment in units dealing with urban development planning and institutions managing city resources. These include municipal organizational units, central and local government administration, urban planning offices, business environment institutions, cultural institutions, and regional development agencies.

Program strengths

The study program has been divided into modules:

I – Basic study (introducing the interdisciplinary subject matter of studies)

Thematic modules:

II – The city is people

III – The city is space

IV – The city is culture and heritage

V – City – organization, management, politics

VI – Survey of the inhabitants of the city

VII – Socio-cultural development resources of the city

Students have the opportunity to participate in study trips organized to selected urban centers.

Currently offered specialties

No specialties are offered at present.

Entry requirements

High school diploma, and completion of high school exams in:

  • First subject: foreign language
  • Second subject (optional): geography, history, Polish language, mathematics, social studies

Competition for places is points-based, with a maximum of 200 points to be gained (100 from each high school exam subject).

Detailed program information

The curriculum information shown below is provided for information purposes. The newest degree curriculum for the upcoming educational cycle is available IN POLISH in the KUE Recruitment Portal.

Program Curriculum
Bachelor in Urban Studies
3-year, 6-semester program
Sem.SubjectSubject typeTotal HoursLecturesSeminar / labsECTS
1EconomicsCore / General151504
PhilosophyCore / General303003
Geographical determinants of urban developmentCore / General151502
Socio-economic history of citiesCore / General202003
Foreign language 1.1Core / General303002
Foreign Language 2.1Core / General303002
Research methodology and ethicsCore / General3015155
A city in European civilizationCore / General303003
Commercial lawCore / General303004
SociologyCore / General303003
Physical educationCore / General300300
2Cultural EconomicsCore / General303003
Municipal financeCore / General303003
Socio-economic geographyCore / General303003
Foreign language 1.2Core / General303002
Foreign Language 2.2Core / General303002
Quantitative research methods in the social sciencesCore / General4515305
Qualitative research methodsCore / General3015153
Fundamentals of urban spatial managementCore / General3015153
Management basicsCore / General3015154
Sociology of the cityCore / General3015153
StatisticsCore / General303004
Physical educationCore / General300300
3Economics of the cityCore / General303034
Foreign language 1.3Core / General303002
Foreign Language 2.3Core / General303002
IT tools for data analysisCore / General303003
Local governmentCore / General3015154
Social engineering with elements of urban social engineeringCore / General3010204
Socio-cultural aspects of space managementCore / General303004
Introduction to multidimensional data analysisCore / General450456
Information and communication managementCore / General3015154
4Cultural heritage in the city spaceCore / General3015154
Economics of spatial processesCore / General3015154
Foreign language 1.4Core / General303003
Foreign Language 2.4Core / General303003
Enterprise in urban developmentCore / General3015154
Implementation of research projectsCore / General101002
Thesis SeminarDiploma202002
Local development strategiesCore / General3015155
Contemporary urban development processesCore / General201554
Contemporary socio-cultural processesCore / General3015154
5Social analysis of space – analytical projectSpeciality303004
Computer design of spaceSpeciality303004
Methods of spatial analysisSpeciality6030306
Professional practicePractice606002
Implementation of research projectsCore / General404003
Regulation and conflict resolutionCore / General4010304
Urban movements and civil societyCore / General3015153
Thesis SeminarDiploma202004
Geographic Information SystemsSpeciality4515305
Urban tourismSpeciality3015154
6Analysis and evaluation of socio-economic phenomena in spatial systemsCore / General4515305
Anthropology of the cityCore / General3015153
Spatial disorder of urban areasSpeciality3015153
Creative City – case studiesCore / General303003
Implementation of research projectsCore / General202003
Thesis SeminarDiploma202006
Heritage managementSpeciality4530154
  Degree total:18451295553203
Program Intended Learning Outcomes
Degree Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)
ILO CodeILO categoryCompetenceKUE Code
WG-ST1-GI-K01-22/23ZSocialThe graduate is ready to critically evaluate their knowledge and recognize the importance of knowledge in solving cognitive and practical problems in the field of spatial management;P6S_KK 
WG-ST1-GI-K02-22/23ZSocialThe graduate is ready to fulfill social obligations, initiate activities for the benefit of the public interest, in particular participate in the preparation and implementation of socio-economic projects, anticipating the multidirectional effects of their implementation;P6S_KO 
WG-ST1-GI-K03-22/23ZSocialThe graduate is ready to think and act in an entrepreneurial manner and skillfully weigh private interests with public goals in space management;P6S_KO 
WG-ST1-GI-K04-22/23ZSocialThe graduate is ready to cooperate in teams and assume various roles in them and resolve social conflicts taking into account the opinions of specialists from other disciplines;P6S_KO 
WG-ST1-GI-K05-22/23ZSocialThe graduate is ready to perform professional roles responsibly, being aware of the need to comply with ethics and professional integrity and to demand it from others.P6S_KR 
WG-ST1-GI-U01-22/23ZSkillsThe graduate is able to correctly identify and interpret socio-economic phenomena and mutual relations between them – in particular those phenomena that are related to spatial management;P6S_UW 
WG-ST1-GI-U02-22/23ZSkillsThe graduate is able to apply basic knowledge in the field of techniques and technologies of space visualization, as well as graphic and cartographic presentation of space and phenomena occurring in it;P6S_UW 
WG-ST1-GI-U03-22/23ZSkillsThe graduate is able to analyze phenomena and complex processes occurring in various spheres of spatial management along with the accompanying technical solutions, in particular he is able to formulate his own opinions and make the right selection of data and analysis methods;P6S_UW 
WG-ST1-GI-U04-22/23ZSkillsThe graduate is able to make an initial economic analysis of the proposed solutions and engineering activities undertaken;P6S_UW 
WG-ST1-GI-U05-22/23ZSkillsThe graduate is able to formulate a specification of simple engineering tasks and design a simple device, object, system in the field of spatial management, using appropriate methods, techniques and tools;P6S_UW 
WG-ST1-GI-U06-22/23ZSkillsThe graduate is able to use language skills consistent with the requirements specified for level B2 of the European Framework of Reference for Education;P6S_UK 
WG-ST1-GI-U07-22/23ZSkillsThe graduate is able to plan and properly organize individual work and the work of the team, correctly assigning its members appropriate roles;P6S_UO 
WG-ST1-GI-U08-22/23ZSkillsThe graduate is able to independently plan and implement their own education processP6S_UU 
WG-ST1-GI-W01-22/23ZKnowledgeThe graduate knows and understands the theory and general methodology of research in the field of scientific disciplines relevant to the field of spatial management covering key issues of spatial management, including economic theory, spatial planning, urban planning, shaping the natural environment and spatial and regional policy along with its historical, geographical and social determinants;P6S_WG 
WG-ST1-GI-W02-22/23ZKnowledgeThe graduate knows and understands the relationships between the achievements of spatial management and natural sciences and the possibilities of their use in socio-economic life and spatial planning, taking into account the rational use of components of the natural environment; also knows the basics of revitalization of degraded areas, the principles of landscape architecture design and the basics of planning and design of technical infrastructure and its impact on the environment;P6S_WG 
WG-ST1-GI-W03-22/23ZKnowledgeThe graduate knows and understands technologies using scientific achievements in disciplines relevant to the field of spatial management, in particular: knows the methods, tools and techniques of obtaining and processing data appropriate for spatial management and has knowledge in the field of visualization, creation and analysis of computer images of space along with the principles of recording and reading planning and geodetic drawings; has knowledge of the basics of construction and engineering design;P6S_WG 
WG-ST1-GI-W04-22/23ZKnowledgeThe graduate knows and understands ethical and legal conditions related to scientific, didactic and implementation activities in the field of study spatial management, including its legal, organizational and technical conditions; also has a general knowledge of the different types of social structures and institutions (cultural, political, legal, economic), their essential elements, as well as the types of social ties and their historical evolution;P6S_WK 
WG-ST1-GI-W05-22/23ZKnowledgeThe graduate knows and understands the general principles of creating and developing forms of individual entrepreneurship and has basic knowledge about shaping the image of a local government unit.P6S_W
Program Intended Learning Outcomes Matrix
Subject nameKnowledgeSkillsSocial
Analysis and evaluation of socio-economic phenomena in spatial systemsX     XX      X    
Analysis of competitive advantages of citiesX X   X  X    XX   
Social analysis of space – analytical projectX     X       X    
Analysis of urban resources and processes – analytical projectX     X       X    
Anthropology of the cityXXX  X    XX  XX  X
Spatial disorder of urban areasX    XX       X    
Cultural heritage in the city spaceX X  X    X    XXX 
EconomicsXXX  X  X X X XX   
Cultural EconomicsX X XX    X   XX   
Economics of the cityX    X           X 
Economics of spatial processesX      X          X
PhilosophyX X  X        X    
Municipal financeX XX X X  XX  X X X
Socio-economic geographyX    X         X   
Geographical determinants of urban developmentX    X        X    
Geomarketing   X   X      X    
Socio-economic history of cities X   X        X    
Innovation and developmentX    X        X    
Computer design of spacesX      X       X   
Research methodology and ethics X          X     X
Methods of spatial analysisX           X    X 
Quantitative research methods in the social sciencesX     X           X
Qualitative research methods X          X     X
City – ideaX          X    X  
Creative City – Case StudiesXX   X       X  X  
A city in European civilizationX          X      X
Models of public urban governanceXXX  XX X X XXXX   
IT tools for data analysisX      X      X    
Participation in the management of cultural heritageX    X    X    XX  
Basics of urban spatial managementX      X          X
Management basicsX            XX    
Professional practice  XX    X         X
Social problems in the city X           X X   
A company in urban development  XX X X  X    XXX 
Implementation of research projects X    X           X
Regulation and conflict resolution   X  X         X  
Revitalization of the cityX  X X  XX X  XX   
Urban movements and civil societyX X  XX   X    XX  
Local governmentX X  X    X    XX  
SociologyX      X      X    
Sociology of the cityX      X      X    
Social engineering with elements of urban social engineering X           X    X
Socio-cultural aspects of space managementXX   XX        X   
Municipal companiesXX   XX        X   
Local development strategiesX    X           X 
Spatial Information Systems (GIS) X     X       X   
Urban tourismXX   X        XX   
Introduction to multidimensional data analysisX      X          X
Contemporary urban development processesX    X           X 
Contemporary socio-cultural processesX    X           X 
Physical educationXXXXX   X         X
Heritage management XX  X    X  X XX X
Information and communication managementXX   XX X  XX XXXXX
Development resources of the cityXXX  XXX      XXX  
English  X X   XX X  XXX X
FrenchX        X    X    
SpanishXX       XXX  XX   
German  X      X    X    
Russian  X     XX X     X 
Italian  XXX   XX X    XXX